Short Story Creative Writing: Assignment
Files for Scifi Short Story:
scifi_plans_and_rubric.docx |
Files for Short Story that is not Scifi:
complete_creative_writing_unit_all_strands.docx |
creative_writing_task.docx |
short_story_rubric.docx |
Files for Mythology task
creative_writing_task_with_myth_motif.docx |
Link to contest information
Listen to the Experts: In class Learning
A) Please view ONE of the documentaries:
H.G. Wells War of the Worlds
Step 1: Create a Theme for Your SCIFI Short Story
A) A theme is essentially an argument made by the author throughout his/her piece of fiction (novel, movie, short story, etc)
So, in order to choose your theme, you need to find your OPINION or ARGUMENT worth making.
B) Get up. Stand up! Agree or Disagree with statement by standing in a side-by-side line from those who most strongly agree to most strongly disagree.
1. Scientists should clone humans.
2. Scientists should aim to cure all human disease.
3. Emotions weaken humans. If possible they should be removed.
4. Robots with brain-like hard drives have rights too.
5. Humans should invest millions in space exploration.
6. Science Fiction has shaped recent history.
C) You will be assigned a person with a differing point of view to discuss your reply for 3-5 minutes.
D) Plan your theme:
Record the answer to the question which excites or infuriates you the most. This answer may shape your theme for your Scifi short story. Write three to five sentences on your argument.
E) If none of these excite you, consider your opinion on the questions:
What does it mean to be human?
Should science or technology be limited?
Is Science/ Technology good or evil?
How do we know what is real?
So, in order to choose your theme, you need to find your OPINION or ARGUMENT worth making.
B) Get up. Stand up! Agree or Disagree with statement by standing in a side-by-side line from those who most strongly agree to most strongly disagree.
1. Scientists should clone humans.
2. Scientists should aim to cure all human disease.
3. Emotions weaken humans. If possible they should be removed.
4. Robots with brain-like hard drives have rights too.
5. Humans should invest millions in space exploration.
6. Science Fiction has shaped recent history.
C) You will be assigned a person with a differing point of view to discuss your reply for 3-5 minutes.
D) Plan your theme:
Record the answer to the question which excites or infuriates you the most. This answer may shape your theme for your Scifi short story. Write three to five sentences on your argument.
E) If none of these excite you, consider your opinion on the questions:
What does it mean to be human?
Should science or technology be limited?
Is Science/ Technology good or evil?
How do we know what is real?
Step 2: Create the Protagonist and Antagonist for Your short Story
Brainstorm with the class!
1. Name 2. 20 Traits (Rules: balance of positive and negative traits, only 1 really strange characteristic, inside and outside traits) 3. Keep in mind your theme. [How will these characters demonstrate your theme?] 4. How will my protagonist/ antagonist change over the story? 5. How will my readers get to know my characters? 6. Once the class has created 2 characters, discuss possible story lines. Eg. How would these two meet each other? Did they always hate each other? 7. Plan for your story. Create two of your OWN characters. You need a list and a sketch and answers to all of the above questions. Consider, who should tell the story (Narrate)? How would that change the story? |
Step 3: Create the Central Setting and Mood of Your Short Story
In Class, view a variety of intriguing images (of settings) placed around the room. First, walk around and view them all. Next, on 3 different images on chart paper that is next to the image, answer:
1) Which image makes you feel the most... violent, courageous, tranquil, romantic, etc? 2) What specifically makes you feel that way? 3) What setting works best for your scifi? Explain. 4) Plan for your story: Time (of day): Weather (temperature/climate): Place (Describe all senses): Era (Decade): Social Conditions (What are the people like): 5) How will the setting demonstrate your theme? |
Step 4: Create a Rough Plot Outline for Your Short Story
Plan for your story:
In Point form, please plan the outline of your short story: And, as always, please keep in mind the theme or argument that you are making in order to stay focused. Exposition (Intro): (who do we have to meet, how will we meet them?) Rising Action: (What is the conflict.) Climax: (What is the most exciting part of your story? How will the conflict come to a head?) Falling Action: (How will things start to settle down? Resolution: What is the last moment of your story? |
1. Sketch a rough plot graph on the board and discuss some guidelines. Discuss alternate plot graphs: cliff hanger, In media res.
Rules a) 2-3 pages b) Double Spaced size 12 Times New Roman c) Science Fiction traits (see Genre lesson) d) Science Fiction Theme, Character, setting, mood, climax e) To be submitted: _____________________________ f) No cliff hanger endings g) You will submit all plans and rough work. This is a part of your mark. |
Step 4 B: Alternative Ways to get Started
1. Write the first line of your story, hand it to a friend and they write the next line. Pass it back and forth until you have started your story.
2. Read your science textbook. Pick the most interesting rule of science and consider how the world would change if that law/ rule no longer existed.
3. Blackout words from the newspaper to create a completely different story. Could this be the introduction to your story?
Please save all of your rough work to receive credit towards your science fiction short story.
2. Read your science textbook. Pick the most interesting rule of science and consider how the world would change if that law/ rule no longer existed.
3. Blackout words from the newspaper to create a completely different story. Could this be the introduction to your story?
Please save all of your rough work to receive credit towards your science fiction short story.
Step 5: Enrich your Story with Poetic Language
literary_devices_with_tupac.doc |
Step 6: Self- Evaluation
sci_fi_self_evaluation.doc |
generic_short_story_self_eval.doc |
reflection_on_writing.docx |