Annotation Definition and Marks
Use 5 of the following 9 terms
1. Define (a word you didn't know before-- why did the author choose this word?) 2. Visualize (use every sense, use empathy) 3. Connect (to self-to text- to world) 4. Predict (a future event based on reasonable evidence) 5. Question (and Answer, higher level thinking) 6. Determine Importance (This matters to me because...) 7. Inference (it says/ I say/ and so) 8. Synthesis (Theme statement with 3 pieces of supporting evidence) 9. Summarize (Restate the essential events in the beginning, middle, and end of the plot.) Mark 1/3- circle, underline title, draw line (see example beside) Mark 2/3- Fully explain your idea (often two sentences). Mark 3/3- Provides essential and important insight into the text you are reading. Example: The author wanted to achieve... Mention of literary terms Example: The mood achieved is X because Y. /3X5= /15 |
Example 10/15 |
[1] Tovani, C. (2000). I read it, but I don’t get it: Comprehension strategies for adolescent readers. Portland, ME: Steinhouse.